August 12, 2020 1 min read

Northland DHBs Safety in Design process has been facilitated using Construct Health’s own Safety in Design software with the design consultants and Northland DHB staff. This was conducted from concept through to developed and detailed designs ensuring design changes were mitigated prior to construction activities.  

The Safety in Design software has been used across several Northland DHB projects including the upgrade to Whangarei Hospitals cath labs and theatres. The cloud-based nature of the software allows consultants from all over the country to identify and input risks throughout the project and fosters a culture of collaboration.

The software provides a sense of accountability and traceability to ensure risks are adequately mitigated through agreement of all consultants and prevents things from ‘falling through the cracks.’ The software prevents consultants from making autonomous decisions and risks can only be closed out after consensus is reached from all members that a risk has been mitigated as best as possible through use of the hierarchy of control.

Northland District Health Board


Northland District Health Board


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If you need the A team on your high-level project, we are confident we can take on any project, no matter the size or level of difficulty. Give us a call to discuss your project on 0800 SAFE-TE (0800 723 383). We would love to hear from you.

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Auckland Viaduct
Project: Argon Construction

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Construct Health worked with Argon Construction in developing and auditing their H&S management systems to AS/NZS 4801 level of compliance. This included the development of a full health and safety management system including, training of staff to these systems.  
Project: ICON Construction
Project: ICON Construction

May 01, 2020 1 min read

Working with the executive team, to help establish executive engagement for Health and Safety, including setting requirements for due diligence.